domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010


EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non]. 15190, Radio Africa, Aug 14 at 2157, the low-key mumblings of Tony Alamo, still on here, courtesy Pan American broker, even after WINB finally had enough of him a full year after his convixion of child sexual abuse, later sentenced to 175 years. Audio rather distorted and undermodulated but strong S9+20.

I knew WYFR was about to collide, but still surprised at 2159 by sign-on in Portuguese; no doubt its carrier was already on and open when I tuned in, suppressing Radio Africa. The two are perfectly zero-beat, no SAH to make it obvious there is more than one signal. Initially mixing about equally (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Nota del Editor: A pesar de emitir desde Guinea Ecuatorial, Radio Africa confirma con QSL desde sus oficinas en Cupertino, California, Estados Unidos.

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